Ms. Ortega

  • $300 Beginning of the year supplies = Student individual pencil pouches, homework folders, other miscellaneous
  • $600 Consumable classroom supplies = incentives, parties, art supplies
  • $500 Classroom library, STEM bins, curriculum support
  • $400 Guest Artist
Goal: $1,800
Ranking #4
Raised $1,840
Needed Goal Met!
Time Left 2 days


Aanvi P.
Ahad A.
Anika G.
Arin P.
Asha G.
Avnee B.
Axel R.
Chanda I.
Devna M.
Evan L.
Faamanuiaina S.
Gabriela W.
Guillermo De Jesus N.
Iris B.
Lakshya B.
Logan Jace S.
Lucas G.
Mia N.
Naya A.
Praneet A.
Shivansh D.
Tammy N.
Vaibhav R.
Victoria N.
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Our biggest fundraiser of the year directly supports each and every classroom at Wicklund!  Your generous donations are used by the teachers to pay for everything from classroom libraries to math manipulatives and guest speakers to field trips.


Make your donation go further with Company Matching!  Need help with the process?  Please email us at Treasurer@mhwsf.org and we will be happy to help!  Already up to speed?  Be sure to let us know that you have company matching funds coming — forward your company documentation to us at Treasurer@mhwsf.org and don’t forget to include your student’s information.


And, your donation earns prizes for the kids and the teachers!



Our Goal $60,700
$37,457 Raised
$23,243 Needed

Donations accepted until 9/20/2024 11:59 pm

Recent Donations

$75.00 from Divya Menon
$20.00 from Mersadies Rolls
5 days ago

Lets Go Axe!

$20.00 from Anika
5 days ago
$10.00 from Naya Abdellatif
1 week ago
$60.00 from Chanda Ilag
1 week ago
$20.00 from anonymous
2 weeks ago

Go Arin go!

$10.00 from Gabriella chavez
2 weeks ago
$50.00 from Avnee Bajpai
2 weeks ago
$10.00 from Ahad Aryobi
2 weeks ago
$55.00 from Lakshya Bagga
3 weeks ago
$100.00 from unknown
3 weeks ago

Evan le

$45.00 from Mom & Dad
3 weeks ago

Great job Logan. Keep up the good work!

$20.00 from Maria Espinoza
3 weeks ago

Great effort!!

$45.00 from Maria Espinoza
3 weeks ago

All you collected is here!

$60.00 from Praneet Ahire
3 weeks ago
$20.00 from Lucas Gendy
3 weeks ago
$100.00 from Vaibhav Rahul
3 weeks ago
$60.00 from Shaivansh Dwivedi
3 weeks ago
$75.00 from Divya menon
3 weeks ago
$55.00 from Logan Sausedo
3 weeks ago
$100.00 from Evan Le
3 weeks ago
$250.00 from Jonathan Niu
3 weeks ago
$250.00 from Melody & Jonathan Niu
3 weeks ago
$100.00 from Tammy Nguyen
8/24/2024 7:29 am
$20.00 from Lakshya Bagga
8/24/2024 7:28 am
$60.00 from Asha Guzman
8/24/2024 7:27 am
$20.00 from unknown
8/23/2024 9:03 pm
$25.00 from Anmol Dhaliwal
8/23/2024 3:17 pm
$75.00 from Marilyn Claure
8/18/2024 7:34 pm