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Upcoming 2025-2026 WSF Board Nominations

3/10/2025 11:52 am




Each year, a subset of the positions on the WSF Board are open for nominations beginning April 1st.  This year, those positions and more will be open.


Your current WSF Board has been looking ahead, beyond the 2025-2026 school year, and recognize that several current Board Members will no longer be eligible to serve.  With that in mind and with the goal of ensuring a stable and successful Wicklund School Foundation for many more years, we would like to begin the process of transitioning, training, and passing along information beginning this coming year.  To that end, more positions will be open than just those dictated by our bylaws and we are creating new positions.


Current Board Members & Positions

  • Everyone on the current Board is willing to continue on next year in some position.
  • According to our bylaws, the position of President is open for nominations this year.  The current President, Vicki Beckman, will not qualify to hold the position for the second year of its term and so will not accept a nomination for this role.
  • The role of Vice President is not set to be open this year but Shawntel Schenck, our current Vice President, would like to be nominated for a different position and so the role of Vice President will be open for the second half of it’s term.
  • According to our bylaws, the position of Secretary is open for nominations this year.  The current Secretary, Andrea Gehmlich, would like to continue on the Board but in a different position.
  • At the moment, the Treasurer position is open and has been all year.  As per our bylaws, the duties of the office of Treasurer have been fulfilled by our current President and Vice President.  In accordance with our bylaws, the current Board has appointed Lindsay Fochler to the position.  Lindsay has already started learning the position and will take over fully beginning June 1.
  • According to our bylaws, the position of Fundraising Chair is open for nominations this year.  The current Fundraising Chair, Jill Decker, would like to continue on the Board and is willing to accept a nomination for Fundraising Chair.
  • The role of Communications Chair is not set to be open this year but Shannon Meyer, our current Communications Chair, would like to be nominated for a different position and so the role of Communications Chair will be open for the second half of it’s term.


Prospective Board Members

  • What makes a good Board Member?  Without a doubt, the most important thing is a desire to do what you can to support the students, teachers, and staff at Wicklund.
  • Who can serve on the Board?  According to our bylaws, any parent of a current Wicklund student who isn’t eligible for a non-elected position is eligible to be nominated.
  • Can school employees serve on the Board?  Yes, with the exception of Administrators and Teachers, as long as they are parents of current students.  Administrators and Teachers qualify for non-elected positions — one for admin and three for teachers.
  • I work full time, is there any way I can be a Board Member? Absolutely!  Currently, the majority of our Board works full-time outside the home.  We rely heavily on an app called Slack to conduct business and have discussions on a daily basis, meet evenings when needed, and share the workload as much as possible.


New Board Positions

It is our sincere hope that the addition of these new positions and restructuring of some of the existing positions will make joining the WSF Board easier for parents.  We’ve tried to structure each position to not only reflect how we currently conduct business but to also make each position as manageable as possible.  If you have any questions about any of these positions or being on the Board in general, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  


The functions of the new Board positions reflect:

  • Tasks currently assigned to other positions,
  • Tasks that current Board Members have just been doing as the tasks aren’t assigned to anyone, or
  • Efforts that WSF has wanted to take on but have not had the dedicated hands to support the work.




Open per Bylaws for a full two-year term.

The position of President will have the following duties and responsibilities:

A. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.

B. Oversee the work of all other Board Members and all committees.

C. Recruit, direct, and oversee a volunteer charged with information technology support.

D. Preside over all General and Executive Meetings.

E. With input from The Board, set the agenda for General Meetings. 

F. Serve as an ad­hoc advisor to all committees. 

G. Provide approval of any disbursement or reimbursement made to the Treasurer.

H. Provide disbursement of funds in the event that the Treasurer is unavailable to do so. 

I. Meet with School Administration as needed.

J. Attend the June meeting of the new Board as an advisor to assist with any questions in regards to operation of The Foundation if requested.

K.  Working closely with The Board, design an annual WSF informational packet for distribution to all Wicklund Elementary School parents and staff at the beginning of the year and to newly enrolled families.

Vice President

Open for second half of term.  As per Bylaws, will be open again in one year for a new, two-year term.

The position of Vice President will have the following duties and responsibilities:

A. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.

B. Assume the duties and responsibilities of any position currently vacant.

C. Oversee all WSF Committees and Programs.

  • For each proposed Committee, determine the need for and direct the Technology Chair to create interest forms via the PTO management software.
  • For each new Committee, attend initial meeting to:
    • Ensure that the Committee has a WSF Board Member Liaison.
    • Ensure that the planned activities for the coming year align with The Foundation’s mission.
    • Review the guidelines for Committees as per these Bylaws stated in Article 9 WSF Committees.
  • Serve as WSF Board Member Liaison for all active Committees if the position is otherwise unfilled.

D.  Ensure an annual review of these Bylaws occurs and that they reflect current practices and needs.

E. Track WSF assets in use by school staff.

  • Maintain a list of all non-consumable items purchased for teachers by WSF, either with funds from WSF or teacher-earmarked monies.
  • Inventory and label all items and supplies that are property of WSF and ensure that items are stored in a secure area.  With input from the Treasurer and working with Site Administration, ensure all non-consumable items purchased for teachers by WSF, either with funds from WSF or teacher-earmarked monies, remain on campus at the end of each year.

Open per Bylaws for a full two-year term.

The office of Secretary will have the following duties and responsibilities:

A. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.

B. Keep and make available online within one (1) week accurate minutes for all WSF Meetings. 

C.  Coordinate business related correspondence as outlined below and as directed by the President and/or Board.

D.  Keep and maintain a list of all business matters, including unfinished business, for The Board. 

E. Maintain online calendar with dates of all WSF meetings and events.

G. Oversee the submission, communication, and acceptance of WSF Board Nominations, when necessary.

H.  With input from the Board, respond to all inquiries submitted via Contact Us form on PTO management site.

I.  In the event that the position of Parliamentarian or Fundraising Chair is vacant, the office of Secretary will fulfill the duties of that position.

Communications Chair

Open for second half of term.  As per Bylaws, will be open again in one year for a new, two-year term.


The office of Communications Chair will have the following duties and responsibilities:

A. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.

B. With input from The Board, publish WSF news regularly to any and all communication tools in use by WSF.  This includes but is not limited to:

  • WSF Website;
  • WSF Social Media;
  • WSF Newsletter;
  • Wicklund Elementary Communication Board; and
  • Wicklund Elementary Newsletter.
Fundraising Chair

Open per Bylaws for a full two-year term.


The office of Fundraising Chair will have the following duties and responsibilities:

A. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.

B. With input from The Board and Membership, submit approvals for all WSF fundraisers.

For each Fundraiser:

  • Book any required facilities;
  • Submit marketing materials for approvals, when necessary; and
  • Act as the primary point of contact for any involved vendors.

C. In the event that the position of Sponsorship Chair is vacant, the office of Fundraising Chair will fulfill the duties of that position.



Appreciation Chair

Position starting mid-term, with one year remaining.  As per Bylaws, will be open again in one year for a new, two-year term.


The office of Appreciation Chair will have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  2. Ensure staff contact list is current at all times, including site administrators, all classified staff, and teachers.
  3. Ensure the Faculty Favorites page on the WSF website is current at all times.
  4. With input from The Board, oversee the planning and execution of Staff Appreciation week, held the first full week of May each year.
  5. With input from The Board, oversee the planning and execution of staff appreciation efforts throughout the year.
  6. With input from The Board, establish and maintain a yearly budget to cover all appreciation activities.
  7. In the event that the Community Engagement Chair position is vacant, the office of Appreciation Chair will fulfill the duties of this position.
Community Engagement Chair

Open per Bylaws for a full two-year term.


The office of Community Engagement Chair will have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  2. With input from The Board, oversee the planning and execution of events and activities designed to engage and build community at school.
  3. With input from The Board, establish and maintain a yearly budget to cover all Community Engagement activities.
  4. In the event that the Appreciation Chair position is vacant, the office of Community Engagement Chair will fulfill the duties of this position.

Position starting mid-term, with one year remaining.  As per Bylaws, will be open again in one year for a new, two-year term.

The office of Parliamentarian will have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  2. Call meetings to order and adjourn them when all matters have concluded.
  3. Ensure proper procedures, as defined by Robert’s Rules and these Bylaws, are followed during meetings.
  4. Ensure these Bylaws are upheld by all Members and that violations of these Bylaws are brought to the attention of the President in a timely manner.
  5. Ensure a current copy of the Bylaws and Robert’s Rules are available to all Members at all times.  Electronic versions are acceptable.
  6. In the event that the position of Secretary or Fundraising Chair is vacant, the office of Parliamentarian will fulfill the duties of that position.
Sponsorship Chair

Position starting mid-term, with one year remaining.  As per Bylaws, will be open again in one year for a new, two-year term.


The office of Sponsorship Chair will have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  2. With input from The Board, coordinate and oversee corporate sponsors.
  3. With input from The Board, review and update annual and event-specific sponsorships levels.
  4. With input from The Board and Committee Chairs, coordinate and oversee the solicitation of sponsors for events, fundraisers, and programs.
  5. Record donations received and send acknowledgment letter to sponsor or donor.
  6. Ensure that sponsors are properly acknowledged throughout the year.
Technology Chair

Open per Bylaws for a full two-year term.


The office of Technology Chair will have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events with other Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  2. Maintain WSF website, including but not limited to:
    1. Creating new content and community pages when needed.
    2. Creating new sign-ups and forms when needed.
    3. Maintain contact and communication lists at the start of each year and as needed throughout the year.
    4. Resolving any issues that arise with the website throughout the year.
  3. Serve as administrator on WSF Google Workspace, including but not limited to:
    1. Issuing new Foundation email addresses as needed.
    2. Ensuring all email groups are current.
  4. Serve as administrator for WSF Slack group, including but not limited to:
    1. Establishing accounts for new users.
    2. Managing third-party apps used by The Board within Slack.



What’s Next?
  • Beginning April 1st, a form will be available on the WSF website for submitting nominations to all open positions.  Nominations will remain open through midnight on April 8th.
  • You may nominate anyone who is eligible to any position, including yourself!
  • All Nominees will be contacted via email within 24 hours of the nomination to either accept or decline their nomination.  Any Nominee who does not respond within 48 hours will forfeit the nomination.
  • In the event two or more Nominees accept a nomination for the same position, the Nominees will have the following options:
    1. Move into a position for which no nominations have been accepted,
    2. Co-Chair the position, or
    3. Move to an election.  If needed and in accordance with our Bylaws, the election meeting will take place within one week of Nominations closing.  The date of the meeting and candidates will be announced on April 9th.